What We Do

Every child deserves to be safe, protected and loved. Unfortunately, many children in South Africa are abandoned and left without a stable home environment.

Substance abuse, the breakdown of family structures, teenage and unwanted pregnancies and the inequality in the South African economy often cause parents to be unable or unwilling to take care of their children.

Ruby Havens meets the needs of marginalized children through providing loving homes and safe havens. The need for safe places for children in peril is great. We also believe that families should remain intact, where possible.

Currently we have established one home in George. Our home houses six children with a South African house mother/couple that provides their care. Once we receive a child, we are responsible for taking care of all his/her needs, including medical, social, intellectual, physical and spiritual. The home creates an environment where the individual needs of the children are met and a child’s strengths can be cultivated.

Our biggest challenge and blessing is to restore an often abused and neglected child into a child that can give and experience love. In collaboration with the the South African Department of Social Development, we work on the best possible outcome for our children beyond their time with us.

Our Vision

Our vision for children in this community does not just stop at the establishment of orphan homes.

We believe that the Bible is clear that God expects us to take care of the poor, needy, widows and the strangers in our land. (Isaiah 58.)

Through the All In Orphan Care Bible Study we hope to help families and individuals establish how they will walk out the mandate to help orphans.

Our vision is to see other families fostering and adopting the abandoned of South Africa. Also to provide support to those families through support groups and educational classes.

Our vision is to see programs put in place to help children to stay in their families through parenting and support type programs. Helping families stay in tact prior to governmental interventions is our goal.

Our History

Directors Jim and Lyn Moomey, were trained in orphan care by African Havens in Johannesburg,  In a visit to friends in George, they were approached by the leadership of Every Nation Churches to establish a Havens in the Garden Route.

When their training concluded in December of 2016, Ruby Havens was launched.  We believe each child is a gift from God - they are important and have a purpose. Through the establishment of foster homes, they nurture neglected/abused and handicapped children and give them a hope and a future.

We pray that you will help us make a difference in the life of children who have no voice for themselves.

Our Vision

Our vision for children in this community does not just stop at the establishment of orphan homes.

We believe that the Bible is clear that God expects us to take care of the poor, needy, widows and the strangers in our land. (Isaiah 58.)

Through the All In Orphan Care Bible Study we hope to help families and individuals establish how they will walk out the mandate to help orphans.

Our vision is to see other families fostering and adopting the abandoned of South Africa. Also to provide support to those families through support groups and educational classes.

Our vision is to see programs put in place to help children to stay in their families through parenting and support type programs. Helping families stay in tact prior to governmental interventions is our goal.

Our History

Ruby Havens was established through the vision of head pastors of Patria Church, Pierre and Ronell Ferreira. They felt God's prompting to establish a safe place where unwanted children (dust) would be transformed through God's power and love into precious jewels (rubies). Directors Jim and Lyn Moomey, who were trained in orphan care by African Havens in Johannesburg, also had the same vision for George.

In December of 2016 Ruby Havens was launched under the oversight of Patria Church and PBO Stelios. We believe each child is a gift from God - they are important and have a purpose. Through the establishment of foster homes, we plan to nurture unwanted and neglected/abused children and give them a hope and a future.

We pray that you will help us make a difference in the life of children who have no voice for themselves.


Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Ruby Havens. Our organization relies heavily on help from our volunteers.
Our needs vary from helping kids with homework to organizing fundraisers and administration.

If you are not sure where you might fit in at Ruby Havens don't worry we will be glad to explore the possibilities with you.
Please contact us so we can help you find the perfect and most fulfilling job.

Here are a few of the areas we always need help.

Playing with Children


Office help

Food and clothing donations

South African Volunteers:

If you live in the George Area or in South Africa and are interested in volunteering please email us at lyn@rubyhavens.org or call Lyn at 071 212 8430.

International Volunteers:

Ruby Havens welcomes volunteers and teams from foreign lands. Please send an email to lyn@rubyhavens.org for a packet with information for international visitors.


Volunteers from companies and organisations often offer their services for specific projects. Such corporate volunteers offer their services regarding upkeep and maintenance of the building and equipment, special outings for the children, and fundraising projects.


We can accommodate students from local and overseas universities who wish to do their practical studies in Social Work, Occupational Therapy, and Pre-Primary Education. Please contact us if you are interested.

Students under the age of 18 must have consent of a parents and must get consent from Ruby Havens administration.


Jim and Lyn Moomey

Jim & Lyn Moomey

Contact us

We would love to hear from you! Please call us for information regarding Ruby Havens.
If you are interested in getting a newsletter please fill out the form and submit it to us. Thank you!

071 212 8430


9 Boet Street, George 6529

Postnet Suite #009, Private Bag X6590, George 6530

Message Us